Pat ty Duque

My Story

During my corporate years, I noticed so many people living unhappy and unfulfilled lives. That’s when I decided to make the leap from all I ever knew and dedicate my life to helping others to live life on their terms by not just accepting change, but embracing it. 

I developed my own process to help people overcome the mental challenges of evolving towards a newer, better normal.  

From a young age, I started to develop a growth mindset, which has served me well in all areas of life. I never knew why or how I evolved in this way until I started to research and understand more about neuroscience and learned how we can transform our lives by the simple power of our mind. 

Understanding that the mind is the one thing that holds everyone back, robbing the idea of dreaming big and living life on your terms will result in a major turning point for anyone. It was through the years of research, undepth learning and implementing changes that allowed me to see the true potential of our mind. This is why I decided to focus on helping others to shift their mindset and embrace a new way of thinking which ultimately brings a new way of life. 

Everyone has always commented on my seemingly endless energy! Therefore I like to share this abundant energy along with all the knowledge, learnings which I’ve condensed into a practical approach to life. As a result, the people I work with quickly start seeing changes in their lives for the better. 

Join the movement to elevate your mindset and harness your happiness by joining the free Facebook Group or booking your FREE Mindset Strategy Session with me today.